This Peugeot 505 SX sedan was a rare daily-driver survivor in China’s Capital

Peugeot 505 SX sedan

Here we have a super-clean Peugeot 505 SX, produced by the once-pioneering Guangzhou-Peugeot joint venture established back in 1985.

This beauty was in fantastic shape, and I would always see it on my daily bike-commute to Tsinghua back in 2010 when I was studying there, and there were still a handful of these beauties roaming the streets of Beijing.

As a front-engined, rear-drive model, the 505s were similar in layout to the infamous Mercedes W124, and these things were built to a high-standard and had a reputation as reliable and bomb-proof, unlike some of the Peugeot models that came afterward.

The 505 was produced between 1990 and 1997, and slotted nicely between the Santana produced by Shanghai-Volkswagen and the Audi 100 assembled by FAW-Volkswagen in terms of segmentation.

Sales were initially strong, until the Joint-Venture eventually fell apart in an epic clash of French and Chinese working-cultures, which is a longer story for another time!

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